Will WordPress Replace Web Developers?

Find out if WordPress will replace web developers or if they are still needed in the industry. Learn more about how WordPress works with web developers.

Will WordPress Replace Web Developers?

Computer science majors often wonder if options like WordPress for designing websites will eventually make web development jobs more accessible, less lucrative, or even obsolete. The answer is no - WordPress is not replacing web developers, but rather working together with them. WordPress is just one part of many things that web developers can work on. Web design platforms like Wix and Squarespace are now picking up where Wordpress left off.

While these platforms are quite turnkey and require almost no technical knowledge to create an attractive website, learning web development is still a much greater investment than simply staying with WordPress. When you consider all the things WordPress does and what it is capable of, you quickly discover that WordPress is only growing web design and development rather than killing it. Web developers should use WordPress whenever they can to create websites cheaply, quickly and easily. The fact is that WordPress is a reliable framework that provides both designers and customers with a framework that will continue to be improved through community and development. WordPress is not a programming language, but it can replace HTML and CSS because it is written under the control of HTML and CSS.

When you start web development, it can be intimidating because WordPress is one of the most common websites. With its simplicity, flexibility, ease of use and a huge community around it, it's easy to see why WordPress is widely used and why many people wonder if it's already worth learning web development in the light of WordPress. This creates new markets in which web developers can now expand from just WordPress to helping customers with themes, plugins or updates. When WordPress first became popular, many people assumed it would kill the web developer, but in fact WordPress helped. WordPress thrives because the framework behind WordPress is strong and web developers who want to continue working in that field can't ignore it. Ultimately, while WordPress does make website creation easier for those with little technical knowledge, it does not replace the need for experienced web developers.

Max Lee
Max Lee

I'm a senior reporter, WordPress Qualified, WordPress Theme Development Expert , with more than seven years experience as a professional journalist.